Until I watched the latest Star Trek film that is. I was BLOWN away by the incredible dialogue, story-line, screenplay, cast... and the updated 60's-inspired feel to everything. From the ship-design to the actor's makeup the movie never missed a beat. It managed to be authentic, and 60's without for a moment being outdated or old-fogey. Awesome.
I was particularly taken with the makeup sported by Nyota Uhura, played by Zoe Saldana. I loved the clean yet feminine look created by her winged eyeliner and cool pink (but not frosty!) lipstick. So I had the black eyeliner... where was I to get the cool pink... ahhhh... *lightbulb appears with a ting!*
I chose a very very light dusting of my coolest pink blush (I think it was Silk Naturals Mineral Blush in Charming) coupled with some contouring with Daiso's Nose Shadow under my cheekbones.
The one fly in my honey was my winged eyeliner - or lack of it. I have GOT to work on the flick. I'm also unsure if there's any point to it. Since any flicks I did, however enthusiastic (ok I made sure I stopped short of Amy Winehouse) were hidden by my Chinese eyes. Arrrgh! Nevermind if at first you don't succeed.... go for bigger wings.
So what do you girls think? And any tip on achieving the coveted winged eyeliner on scrunched up eyes?
For a great interview with the makeup aritist behind Star Trek, Mindy Hall (and for picture credit, I stole her pic), go here! I read it, and now I really want the Shiseido liner, maybe it will help me flick! I also feel better that even the makeup artists had difficulty achieving that perfect eyeliner on everyone.
hey girl u look so much like the girl in movie!!!! would be your clone if you fake a tan or something O_o
Hahahahaha! Thanks babe, you made my day. was wondering why no one liked it....
very cool remake!! I'm totally feeling the lips :*
Eh, this look is so pretty Kahani!! You definitely rocked those pinks!! I'm loving the lips too!! :D
Connie: Oh yes, you love pale lips! It's not a look I sport often and I believe I can get away with these because they're pink and not nude!
Jenn: Ooh thank youuuu...!
so so so so pretty Kahani. Bloom really suits you :) I love bloom. I used to be one not for pinks but thanks to SN I am now. Bloom and pout are my fav at the mo. Actually pout has been a fav of mine for the past year that a couple of months ago I had to buy a 2nd one - never happened before : )
So eveyone don't be surprise if we see kahani popping up with her lippie bloom in a star trek sequel
Ooh thanks, Ghost! LOL I'd KILL to be in a Star Trek movie like this one. Even if I'm the red-shirted person that gets axed in the opening sequence.
Karen is quite the pink-lippy evangelist isn't she? =)
Yes karen is a little pink happy :)
I'll be right there with you kahani. I can be a blue one coming to why you’re not responding to coms (as you might need medical assistance) just after the opening sequence and die before I know what hits me. Of course this takes place after I've shared a quick kiss with the new kirk, a wink at spock (glaring at Uhura) and an eyebrow wiggle at scotty (I live in the same city as simon pegg grew up in). Oh I'll die, but it will be happy :) : )
could you test at a shiseido counter, armed with camera? :)
Ghost: Sounds like a plan!
Now, got any ideas on getting us into Dr Who? =D
Petra: Huh? Wha-?
Ooh the liinerrr... hmm...
I'm not putting anything publically tested near my eyes. Shame huh?
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