Remember this blotter case?

Well thanks to a terribly fun night out in Singapore involving a few too many cocktail and two unconnected wardrobe malfunctions (my shoe strap broke AND my clutch bag burst open) it's now like this:

I find I've gotten used to a little mirror handy when I blot my nose and I love that it's never powdery (unlike the ones in power compacts) so I hit up 2 Guardians and a Watsons trying to replace it when I got home. No dice. They're goooonee... what's a shiny-nosed vainpot to do?
Well for one thing go to Daiso and for RM5 buy a pretty and slim metal card case:
Get it home, pry mirror out of NYX trio eyeshadow palette and stick it mirror in the card case with glue (it had to be narrow, it couldn't overlap the white bit that's holding the blotters in.
Et Voila! I actually added tiny magnets to help keep it closed because it's not a very well made card case and has trouble staying closed even when empty.
What do you think? Are blotter cases a necessity or a frivolity?
wow! Fantastic idea!! I hoope I find cute card holders where I live!! >_<
great idea! i will definitely tell my friends about it! :) I actually have a cute card case holder that has my name imprinted! :)
i need to make one for my daiso desk top blotters
still a student, so i dont have my own desk to leave my things around and its too big to tote around!
Great idea! I shall try this out with an unused card case :)
You PRIED the mirror from your NYX palette??? o.0 *gasps*
Poor NYX palette.
Creative idea, especially the mirror,so you dont have to dig out another mirror when you use your bloating paper...
Erm.. it's not a necessity, but why not? you'll look cool with a fancy blotter case :)
Thanks ladies!
Lisa, Nikki & Tine: It works best for C&C blotters - precisely the right size. ^_^
Syen: Uhh yes. But it's from a eyeshadow trio palette I seldom use. And who uses THAT mirror anyway?
Blogger: Exactly! I got so used to having the mirror right there.
The exact same unfortunate fate happened to my In2It blotter case :( I used masking tape to hold the mirror flap back to the case. So far so good.
That's really cute! You can't go wrong with one of those. And when things go wrong, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do and improvise, right?
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