I had been snooping around in one of those small stand-alone drugstores when I chanced upon it. I'd never seen it before, so naturally I was curious. It rather reminded me of Cetaphil, my Holy Grail of cleansers (and I had just only picked up yet another two HUGE bottles because the price in that store was unbeatable). So did I need to pick up another bottle of Dermaveen as well (which happens to be huger than Cetaphil)?
What do you think? Of course I did. *grin*
I first picked it up months ago, and I did say I'd give it a spin before I do a more comprehensive review. Now that I have, let's have a better look at this product, shall we?
As its name implies, this wash is pretty much gentle enough for people with sensitive skin, and for those who have eczema like the hubs, it seems to work great. When I asked him how well he liked it, he replied with a grunt, and said, "Nice."
That's almost all the review I could get out of him. Further probing had him admitting that his skin seemed to itch less if he used this in the shower. Not bad.
I, on the other hand, have been using it as a facewash. Because I'm a little too stingy to be using this RM52-for-500ml-wash all over my body. The face has a smaller surface area.
As a cleanser, it does a decent job of cleansing, but not much more. It leaves a slight film on the skin after rinsing off, somewhat similar to how Cetaphil feels on the skin after a wash. After a wash, my skin feels comfortable. No stretching, no dryness, no discomfort. Thumbs up.
Just a little note though, get some of it into your eye, and it will sting a little. Thumbs down. (The things we do for our readers. *winks*)
This scentless product has the consistency of shampoo. Tilt your palm, and it will drip off. It does larther, but not much. But what's really great about the product is that it claims to contain no lanolin, no parabens, dyes or fragrances. Two thumbs up.
A quick check at its website confirmed what I had earlier thought. Dermaveen, which is Made is Australia, is a supporter of the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc. So this product IS targeted towards those with eczema. Nice.
So we know it works great and all that, but what's not so great to me is the price-tag. At RM52, it is crazy pricey for a 500ml bottle. Especially if you're going to be using it as a body wash. If you use this and only this for your showers, chances are you'll need to be replenishing your stock every two weeks.
Another downside to this product is that it really is quite hard to find in Malaysia. That little standalone drugstore still remains the only store I have seen this product in. If you've seen this anywhere, kindly leave a comment ya?
Will I repurchase? If it really does help the hubs in keeping his eczema under control, I might. But to repurchase it as a facewash... Nah. I've got plenty of other options.
Would you try it?
wow, I should look for soap free wash! I have really bad case of skin dryness
I should give this a go and report back on its effectiveness as a fellow eczema sufferer! :P
Very helpful information about me. Actually i am looking for soap free wash. Thanks for the post.
I think I've seen this in Carings Pharmacy, 1-Utama but not for sure. You might want to check it out there or at other Carings outlets.
Nikki: Perhaps you should. =P
Rinnah: Yes please! That would be great! =D
Renee: You're welcome. =)
Millie: Really? I'll be sure to pop in to check the next time I'm there. Thanks!
You ought to also try DermaVeen's 'Shower & Bath Oil'. You need no moisturizer afterwards!
If you visit Singapore you can buy dermaveen at watsons and unity. It's S$ 17.15 for 250 ml bottle. There's also one brand from Australia good for eczema and sensitive skin the brand name is 'Ego QV' they have face wash & body wash aswell.
I use t-gel which helps control them and the conditioner smothers them where they are slower so easier to get them. Took weeks but best way I found for self checking
and doing yourself.
Soap Free Cleanser
Further probing had him admitting ... Who is the HIM?
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