January 07, 2009

Nikki (Askmewhats) Makeup Seminar for a Cause

Dear readers,

Our beauty blogging friend Nikki of Askmewhats is generously organising a makeup seminar conducted by her lovely self, to raise funds for her friend, Kerby. Kerby's sister, Judith is battling leaukaemia and her family is trying to raise money for her treatment. The details are in the flyer below.

So if you're in the Philippines I strongly encourage you to participate in this seminar. It's for a good cause, and I'm sure you'll learn lots and have tonnes of fun doing it. I've never met Nikki personally, but online she's a wonderful personality and her work (as seen on her blog) is exemplary.

For those of us who aren't in the Philipines, we can always pray, hope, wish, and cross fingers toes and eyes for Judith, and for Nikki's seminar. And for those who find wishin' and hopin' insufficient, drop Nikki a line if you'd like to make a contribution.

"All things by immortal power,
Near and Far
To each other linked are,
That thou canst not stir a flower
Without troubling of a star."
- Francis Thompson

Kahani & Syen


AskMeWhats said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the help girls!!!! *hugs*

Kahani said...

lol... it's a small thing on our part, Nikki. You're the one doing all the work!