Lemon Lust was hers (no arguments there), while I took home Raspberry Guava and Tango Mango.
And I think I just might have fallen in love with Raspberry Guava. How can you not, when you have men telling you "you smell delicious" when you're wearing it?
The balm itself feels light, more like a lotion than cream or balm. When applied, it disappears almost instantly into the skin, without any greasy residue. It does help with dry skin, but don't expect miracles. It's a light lotion by any standard, so if your skin has decided to go the way of the Sahara, I honestly think this would not be sufficient help.
As for its scent, if you're into sweet and fruity, then this is definitely it for you. The scent smells gloriously refreshing and I love taking a sniff at my hands after applying this balm.
And now for the good news. While replenishing my fast depleting Face Oasis moisturiser last night, I discovered that ~H20+ is having a promotion on their Raspberry Guava range. The usual price for a full-sized 240ml body balm is about RM69, but currently, a gift set, comprising the full-sized shower and bath gel, body balm, body buffer and refreshing body mist is going for RM69.90.
To me, this is truly a steal. The SA said this promo would be "while stock lasts", as they're said to be having new products and packaging for Christmas. Naturally, I snapped up a gift set.
So ladies, I'd be running if I were you. =P
Ohh hubby's gonna be happeee... =P
But yes I have a collection of "you smell delicious" bodycare I trot out whenever I need to bring it on! =P
am refraining from doing any purchasing! too much bod stuff! :P
but the name, it sounds so delish!
Mmmm so tempting but I still have a huge thingo full of wild strawberry cream (smells like jam!) I bought in Boots!
Kahani: Oh yea. He's gonna be very happy. Once I whip everything out and start using them. Now I'm still petting them. LOL.
Plue: *tee hee* ONLY RM69.90! =P
Meldee: Oooh naish! =)
Was thinking about getting this but felt the scent was too strong for me. I got the Poolside one instead. Guess i like the smell of water?
I thought this was the best of the 3 fruity ones though. lad it works well for you!
Hi! i've been following your blog for some time now, stumble on it when i wanted to get reviews on certain products that I've been eyeing, and I'm hooked ever since! Keep up the good job, girl! and I can't refrain myself from posting a comment on this topic, I so love H20+ Raspberry Guava range too!!! Great price, and I love the shower and bath gel :)
abby: Yea, different people will have different preferences when it comes to scents. Like Kahani might find this a bit too sweet for her perhaps. Glad Poolside works for you! =)
SerraQuaL: Hello! Thanks for leaving a comment and for your kind words. We're always very happy to hear from our readers! Glad to know you like this too! Mmm.. yum yum! LOL. =P
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