What kind of brush you use, or what kind of comb you'd need would need, would depend entirely on the type of hair you have, and of course, what you're going to use the brush for.
I once had a guy friend ask me, "What's the difference between a comb and a brush?"
A simple answer would be that while a comb can do a great job of parting the hairline, or detangling the hair, it could hardly do the styling-duties of a brush.
There are also great benefits to brushing. It helps blood circulation on your scalp, and apart from getting rid of the day's dust from your hair, brushing also spreads out the hair sebum from the roots of the hair to the tips, which can help produce a healthy sheen. Sounds good, eh?
My hair, thankfully, is rather low maintenance so there aren't many styling tools in my arsenal. Just two brushes and a wide-tooth comb! Check them out after the jump!
The Body Shop Cushion Pin Large Hairbrush (~RM35)
This one really looks like a cushion with pins all stuck onto it, hence its name. TBS says this brush is best used for brushing and styling mid to long hair and especially good for penetrating thick hair. It's also my favourite hairbrush as it's soft enough to not scratch my scalp, and I feel like I've just given my hair a nice polish every time I'm done brushing.
Foxy Wooden Quill Brush (~RM35)
Picked this one up in Greece because I couldn't resist the name. It's alright, but the quills are a little hard, so I have to be careful when brushing. A previous favourite of mine was a Miine wooden quill hairbrush I picked up from Watson's (in Phuket) for only 70 baht (RM7)! That one was a real joy to use. When I'm back in Thailand, will surely go a-looking for it.
Wide-tooth comb (can't remember price)
I've had this comb for a really reeeally long time. And I simply love it. I use it to part my hair and to comb out tangles. When I travel, sometimes this is all I bring with me as it's all I need to get my hair right again.
And just in case you were wondering, my hair routine is uber simple. Washing and conditioning, towel wrap to dry it a little bit, part hair with wide-tooth comb and air dry. Once it's dry, just apply a teeny weeny bit of Frederic Fekkai's glossing cream, a good brush and I'm done! Shiny, shiny hair. *winks* No styling, no hot irons.
Now spill it. What's in your arsenal?
I have 2 brushes and a wide toothed comb too, but the brushes each serve a different purpose - I have one rectangular paddle brush (TBS) when I need smooth, kink-free hair and the other is a vo5 round brush that works very well on my wavy-curly hair and enhances the curls.
Oh I so want to try the FF Glossing cream!!! Was eyeing it at Sephora on Sunday....but I've promised myself that I won't buy any more hair styling products until I have atleast 2 empties...I need to use a styling cream and some kind of serum for the ends, otherwise I end up a ball of frizz...
I have one round brush, one wide tooth comb for personal, then, since I do hairstyle for other clients, I have all sorts of brushes and combs which I sometimes use just for kicks :) lol Great day to all of you loverlies!
I have only one comb - the wooden detangling comb from TBS. Can't brush my hair now because it's curled (in fact i don't comb it too... woops!! =X i just part my hair with it and thats it! :P)!
Would definitely get myself a hair brush much like your TBS one when i have straight hair again! I kinda miss brushing!! :D
me got one wooden comb always in my bag, a wide tooth comb for wet hair, a round brush when i need to do simply inward curls (tho i don't use it anymore), a big rectangular paddle brush and a comb that's really small to do partings and to help me do up my ponytail! i think i got another blue paddle brush... urgh, i dunno. lost count!
i have been eyeing on TBS paddle brushes but not sure if i really need them though... :P
Nice simple haircare routine! That FF gloss cream sounds absolutely superb though and I'm wondering if I need to start adding on to my shampoo/condi routine. :P
I have no brushes! *gasp* Just a wide-toothed comb for parting my wet hair (not that I really need it cos my hair has an auto-part) and a fine comb with long handle for when I want to really ensure tangle-free hair. I miss the days when I used brushes - some can really give you a nice scalp massage! :)
mine has nail polish on 'em!
I don't comb or brush. I do have one brush that I got from watson's though but I still mostly use my fingers :p
Oooh. Thanks for sharing girls! Some of mentioned a round brush, but believe it or not, I've never had one! LOL.
Gypsy: The Fekkai Glossing Cream is really REALLY worth it. I bought a tube yonks back and have been using it almost everyday, and there's still half a tube left. Absolutely HG stuff.
Nikki: Have a great day too, Nikki! =)
Jenn: Yeah, I remember when I had curly hair too. And not ever brushing or combing my hair. LOL.
Plue: That sounds like a lotta brushes! And no, I don't think you need the TBS paddle brush. But "want" it something else altogether. *tee hee*
Rinnah: The gloss cream IS marvelous. Love love love it! LOL on the auto-part! Hahaha... I used to use the long tailed comb a lot more (ala high school days), but not much these days.
Connie: HAHAHA. Initially I thought you polished your hairbrush with nail polish! Ah yes. I guess your hair is short enough to just use the fingers. My hubs also only uses his fingers, no comb for him. Doesn't need one. LOL.
i have been using a wood quill brush exactly like that one for like, 10 years. it's really excellent for my thin super curly hair. the plastic bristle brushes give me horrible static which turns into tangles and boar bristles just don't cut through the knots.
i used to get my brush at the Body Shop in USA but since they have discontinued it i have been looking all over for something to replace it and coming up empty. i guess i'll have to make a special trip to Greece! le sigh
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