April 25, 2011

Monday's Beauty Bit: Mircoz, my miracle buffer!

Hello lovelies,

I only have one little beauty bit for you today, but it's one bit that I'm thrilled to share.

Meet my new buffer from Mircoz, which gave me these nice, shiny nails. But what's so great about it? Click on to find out. Believe me, you'll want to.

The AMAZING-ness of this buffer is that it gave me these nails in FIVE MINUTES. Yes. FIVE. Per hand. Which means I get nice, shiny, professional and polished looking nails in 10 minutes.

I know some of you ladies love your nails. But I'm too lazy to paint 'em up every week or so. And this buffer has proven itself to be just what I need. I don't really need colour on my nails, but I sure love the glossy look. I just love how simple and yet polished my nails look after a quick buff.

So where did I find this? At the Mircoz stall in Robinsons, The Gardens. The buffer came together with a nail filer in a pack for RM20. For once, an insistent sales assistant, who INSISTED I let her buff one of my nails, was actually right.

And here's how to use it. Buff using the blue side first. A few rubs will do, and then dust off your finger, and then turn the buff over and start buffing using the white side. Also, a few rubs will do. Seriously, it's THAT easy.

If the blue side gets a little dusty, just wipe it down using a wet cloth or tissue.

And for vanity's sake, I have to show you my nails again.

How cool is that?


plue said...

I'm using The Bodyshop's nail buffer and it does give me shiny nails too! :D

Loving it!

Next time I'm gonna try Mircoz, by the way, how does the nail filer fare? :D

domncroxd said...

very nice :) you have beautiful nails to begin with too!