June 07, 2011

Random Video: Even more reasons to love Ikea...

Following my Ikea-heavy apartment decor post, this seems ever so slightly relevant. Plus it'll make you laugh.

Or not. I'll bet the Swedes in this vid are cursing their Japanese posting now!


Paris B said...

Haha that was pretty amusing but I like their uniforms! So kawaii! Why don't our Ikea staff here dress as cute :P

Kahani said...

because Japan is a different planet... =P

Syen said...

WHAT THE???? o.0

Kahani said...

Oh look, here it is with English Subtitles! (No the dance still doesn't make any sense)

Iced Nyior said...

Haha so cute! But actually not surprising since Japanese companies usually have morning exercise/dance before starting work.

Friend of mine who was formerly working in a Japanese company here in Malaysia even has to go through that every morning.