Ah, to be back. I think this post will, without a doubt, prove that I'm still in the middle of my current cream-craze. Nevermind that I had only reviewed this Vaseline moisturiser two weeks back.
This bottle of Oatmeal & Shea Butter moisturiser I picked up during my recent trip to Hong Kong, amongst a few other items. And it's a purchase I'm happy to have made.
I first took note of this moisturiser because of the Oatmeal ingredient it boasts. Having read somewhere recently that oatmeal actually works jolly well for eczema, I thought I'd pick up a bottle for the hubs and see how much help it'd do him.
So read on to find out more!
It could be just me, but more often than not, products I'm interested in are usually out of reach. And of course, this too, is not available in Malaysia. Hence, the picking it up while in Hong Kong. Sorry girls, but this one you can't get here. Can anyone tell if it's sold in Singapore?
Anyway, it's one happy purchase as my skin didn't take the (lovely and mild) Hong Kong winter very well. Two days into my trip, my skin had turned all dry and scaly, and it was starting to itch like crazy.
Just as well, don't you think? Sorry hubs, I'm helping myself to this first. After all, it does claim to provide "instant non-irritating relief for dry, itchy skin".
And I must say, I was rather impressed. Slathering it on all over provided somewhat instant relief for the dryness, and my skin stopped itching. And slapping it on in the morning kept my skin comfortable pretty much throughout the day. But I'm pretty sure the glycerin had more to do with it than the oatmeal, considering the fact it's listed last in the ingredient's list.
But what's great about the product is that it claims to be have been formulated without parabens and phthalates. Tree-huggers will also rejoice in knowing that St Ives does not test on animals, and that the bottle contains 20% post-consumer recycled material.
Scent wise, Kahani describes it as "milky and nestum-y", which I didn't mind at all. And of course, dearest Kahani had to hate it.
"I can STILL smell you!" she groaned, despite being curled up in her duvet, head and all.
Granted, we both shared this tiny room, and her bed was not three feet away from mine. I think it's one of life's ironies that best friends we may be, but our noses most certainly aren't. I love vanilla, she hates it. She loves lavender and citrus. I hate them BOTH. Go figure.
Anyway, this huge 532ml bottle (which cost less than RM20 after conversion) will last me a long, long time. Which is great, since I do really like it. However, considering that I am currently swimming in body moisturisers, and the fact I can't get my itchy hands on it here, I doubt I'll be repurchasing.
Oatmeal, anyone?
Hi Syen - thanks for the review. Strangely enough, despite being around one or the other St. Ives product for most of my life, I've never tried the Oatmeal-Shea butter range. I usually stick to the Collagen Elastin.
Also, yes, you do get this (and the body wash) in Singapore at the Watsons, Guardian and John Little outlets.
P.S. new reader of your blog and loving it! :)
i used to love st ives alot, until recently i find that their body lotions are not moisturizing enough for me anymore...is the age thing? LOL. but i bet its the air con! on another thought, i think they should come out with lotions in the refill pack? save the earth!
>< When you review a good product that is not available in Malaysia, part of me dies a little inside. :P Just kidding. Hope St. Ives Malaysia brings more products in.
The Undercover Gypsy: Hello you! Welcome to So Loverly! =D
Interestingly, I've never tried their Collagen Elastin stuff. But I've been quite a fan of St Ives for a while now. I also have their Whipped Silk moisturiser. *tee hee*
And thanks for the info! Well, at least, I know it's somewhere relatively reachable should I get desperate enough. St Ives REALLY should bring in more products.
xin: Aww... it works well enough for me, so I'm happy. But you can always top it off with something heavier for the flaky spots or something?
Lisa J: LOL. So sorry about that. I really do wish it was available here too. But at least now we know it's available in Hong Kong AND Singapore! =P And I hope so too!
(St Ives, are you listening?)
From your experience it feel that you have very well known with this products.I continuously used to Lakhmi moisturizer from a couple of years,but now i want to take this new one.One more doubt Is it suitable for both oily and dry skin?My self is very oily.Is it suits my skin?Thanks.I wait for your feedback.
cheap cosmetics: Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. The flu bug got to me first. Anyway, on the product, I'm not familiar with Lakhmi moisturisers, so can't really comment there. As for whether this'll suit you.. err.. I've only ever experienced dry skin my body (which is what this moisturiser is for), so I really can't tell you how it'll work on your oily skin. But just wondering, if you don't have dry skin, why would you need moisturiser?
Oatmeal moisturizer? Now there's a yummy treat! I'd definitely try this.
oh so this product is available in singapore? because i live in jb and would make a trip to buy if it is. anyone can confirm?
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