So while I rely on my layers of SPF-enforced makeup to protect my face (it got fairer, so I doubt the sun is getting through), my neck and chest is left undefended. Now here's where my problem gets REALLY annoying. Usually moisturisers that break my face out leave my neck and décolletage unblemished. Not so with those containing sunscreen. From pricey (~H2O+, Clinique) to cheap (Biore, Sunplay) ALL of them caused my chest and even neck to breakout. Until in desperation I tried this little cheapie.
Thank god I did! It smells delightfully of oranges, doesn't feel the least bit sticky, and protects my neck and chest without resulting in pimples. HUZZAH! I also have hopes that the Vitamin C it contains will lighten the area up a little and help it match my face better. It's SO much darker than my face now. =(
At RM10 for 50ml, this is budget beauty at its best. Completely affordable and effective. Who knows, maybe one day I'll screw up the guts to try it on my face. Maybe...
Clean & Clear is a great drugstore brand in my opinion, although I find most of their products are gearing for oilier skin!
hi emily, might eucerin for your neck and chest work? it's a dermatologist staple and i love it for being critter friendly.
dove is cheaper, but it is perfumed.
ego is supposed to have decent moisturisers too.
would you mind answering whether your face and neck and decolletage share similar skin types? if you don't mind my asking, i'm curious.
Really now? That's it, I'm off to Priceline to check it out!!
Sounds like a great find!! So cheap too!! Though personally i'm a little wary of putting C&C stuff on my face... the last time i did it dried my face out so badly!! :(
Nikki & Jenn: Oi people. C&C is geared towards oily teenage skin. Of COURSE it's too dry for you! =P
Petra: Since I can get away with cheaper stuff for my face and neck I do. Usually it gets stuff that doesn't work on my face. Yes the skin is different on my neck and decolletage than it is on my face. It's dryer and less acne prone. =)
Tine: Hee hee!=D
hmmmmmmm im now hunting for sunscreen, maybe should get this for my neck so that i can use sparingly. for face.....gah should i try eucerin? since so many ppl are liking it
I wants it now too! I always forget to apply sunscreen to neck and chest :( And forget sunscreen, in general.
Even though my products have SPF, I still need sunscreen, right?
Wow, I used 'sunscreen' three times. Four, plus this.
prettyB: I'm afraid to try Eucerin's because Syen bought it and found it too oily for her. And well, I'm even oilier!
Meldee: So we're told.. but if I'm getting fairer I believe the sun isn't getting through my makeup. But yesh this is good for neck and chest. =D
am taking some to use from sis! ahak! :D :D :D
thanks for sharing!
Plue: hee hee! That's even better! =D
serious? crap i tot its very light. ahhhh later i am going to grab a bottle of this just to try. now my face is crappily oily too :(
Ugh, suffering from neck and chest breakout and have a birthday party with a cute dress coming out. Never though it might be my moisturizer with spf! I thought it was the heat/stress/hormones. Might give this a try. Where did you purchase?
Hi I would like to know if this clean and clear fairness is suitable for sensitive skin??? and where can I buy this product because I live in the US and I don't see this anywhere at drugstore. Please reply thanks (:
Hey girl, well I don't have sensitive skin and so have no idea. Also I believe it's an Asian exclusive since it's a whitening product.
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